Because it doesn't yet exist, the Metaverse can be described in both abstract and concrete terms. Here we explore both.
In abstract terms the Metaverse is:

The Metaverse is endless and there are no barriers between physical and virtual worlds.

The Metaverse is always there and cannot be turned off.

Visitors experience the Metaverse in a realistic and sensory way.

Visitors experience the Metaverse at the same time, that is, there is a Universal Metaverse Time, or UMC.

The Metaverse allows interplay between users, objects and spaces in both virtual and physical worlds.
In more concrete terms the Metaverse is:

The hyperconvergence of the physical and digital worlds
First we had Web 1.0, then we had Web 2.0, next comes Web 3.0. Click above to find out more.

The next iteration of the Internet, also known as Web 3.0
First we had Web 1.0, then we had Web 2.0, next comes Web 3.0. Click above to find out more.

A place o play
Visitors experience the Metaverse at the same time.

Visitors experience the Metaverse in a realistic and sensory way.

The Metaverse allows interaction between

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